Guest House
Some events among many others ...

1st weekend of July
As every year, the medieval market will be set up around the cathedral. Nearly 150 artisans from France and Europe will exhibit their handcrafted products: jewelry, dolls, spices, sculpture, pottery ...
The stonemasons will also invest the medieval site, and the various street shows!
Medieval Book Fair - Each year, the Medieval Book Fair takes over Place de Gaulle. The opportunity for readers to meet the authors of works devoted to the Middle Ages.
For children, medieval games and entertainment will be offered in the courtyard of the Hôtel du Doyen!

July to August
On the monumental Tree of Liberty (1797), a 360 ° projection to celebrate life and freedom: from the tree of its origins to the cycle of the four seasons, including the Liberation of 1944 and Martin Luther King… About ten of hand-sewn stories for a dazzling technological and artistic challenge!
> On the sumptuous and radiant cathedral, but also on the surrounding monuments, a colorful display made of a thousand lights comes alive to the rhythm of the projections… Magic!
The summer event to discover absolutely… and freely!